[macvoiceover] Re: using a cell phone with internet

  • From: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 20:28:39 -0600 (CST)

You'll need to go through isync to get this working and isync is accessible. I just got isync started up on my phone and the apple computer installs software on your phone. After that, you can listen to your phone talking or VoiceOver depending where you choose to do your editing. You would use address book to edit contacts on the apple and when you next used isync you could have isync update your phone with the edited contacts. VoiceOver here really oughtn't be an issue at all since when you get the computer to go out to the internet the computer will for instance be putting email and the like onto your cell phone. If it's a nokia phone you have, figure on hooking up to a pop3 or imap4 account since webmail doesn't work on these yet. The only thing that makes any of the other nokia phones different from the 6620 is a better camera lens. I know since I was talking with technical support the other day over at Nokia. Cingular no longer supports the 6620 but at least you can still get straight answers from the manufacturer. Btw, (888)665-4228 is the Nokia phone number for the United States.

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