[macvoiceover] Tip: Disable data detectors in Mac Mail

  • From: Kristyn Leigh <kristyn0@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:12:15 -0400


Disable data detectors in Mac Mail

In Leopard, the Mac Mail application has data detectors that detect certain 
types of data like dates, times, and addresses and turns them into clickable 
pieces of information so that you can add them into iCal, the Address Book, or 
other applications. If you use these, great. If not, the data detectors are 
just a little annoying. 

If you are not using them, you can turn them off. Just open a terminal window 
and enter the following command: 

defaults write com.apple.mail DisableDataDetectors YES 

Once this command is entered, quit Mail and restart it. The data detectors will 
now be gone. I fyou change your mind and want them back, repeat the command but 
replace the YES with NO.

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