[macvoiceover] ITunes Radio

  • From: "Chris Gilland Laptop" <clgilland07@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 23:12:05 -0400

Is there not a way right now for us to get at the ITunes Radio? I was able to find it in the source list, but when I get to the song list by tabbing, I tried to interact with it, but it won't let me. Even using th vo cursor to go to the song outline won't work. I can up and down arrow through the list of folder catagories, but I can't double click it as I can't get the mouse pointer down there, and I can't seem to vo shift m either. and since I can't interact with it... I can't even do vo back slash to expand it. right arrow isn't working, and neither is space bar. I tried doing vo shift m, but of corse, that doesn't work since the mouse pointer's not under that list. I can't get it under there though. once the keyboard cursor is there, if I do vo command f5 to route the mouse to the list, it just dings at me. Has apple not gotten this to work yet?

This is a feature that is really gonna annoy me to not be able to use as I am an incredibly huge internet radio listenner.


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