[lit-ideas] Re: sci-fi

  • From: "Richard Catlett Wilkerson" <rcwilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 19:53:53 -0700

I've noticed for myself, that Deleuze and Baudrillard seemed to have taken
up the place that Sci Fi used to occupy in my life.  But I have enjoyed some
of the CyberPunk. You have probably read at least Gibson, but what about
Charles Stross?  
If you enjoy those art pieces where you have to stare at them for some
minutes before the picture emerges, how about Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's
Rainbow, were psychics in wwii help Londoners avoid the German missiles? 
Richard C Wilkerson
>>I need some new, good, sci fi, and by sci fi, I do not mean "fantasy".
I've read everything of what I think of as the standards -- Heinlen, Clark,
Asimov, Pohl, Orson Scott Card, the standard apocalyptic stuff (which I
really, really love if it's well done)...any suggestions?

Julie Krueger

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