[lit-ideas] Re: olympics

  • From: wokshevs@xxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 20:54:22 -0330

What is curling you ask? It's just like chess, except there's sweeping involved
sometimes. It's a game of pure strategy. Aristotle developed his account of the
valid and invalid syllogisms through a detailed and systematic study of
curling. Socrates would have no clue as to the examination of the necessary and
sufficient conditions of the virtues were he not a skip on the Athenian team.
The Persians never could read the ice accurately. Hence, we today believe
philosophy began with the Greeks instead of the Persians. Cheers, Walter

Walter C. Okshevsky
Outremont High School Curling Team
Sliver Broom Winners 1970

Quoting JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx:

> Would someone please explain what the hell curling is?
> I see brooms. 
> This does not look like a sport.
> I have never been awarded a medal for my cleaned floors.
> Julie Krueger
> preferring the moguls

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