[lit-ideas] Re: enviornoment

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2006 10:34:35 -0500

AA: I've known workaholics who literally didn't want to go home. I sometimes got jealous. Having a job that's so much fun that you don't want to go home is the definition of heaven in my opinion.

See... THIS above paragraph is EXACTLY why my head spins whenever I read your posts. Workaholics don't love their jobs. They get off on working a lot. It's not the job. It's the process, the quest for money for the sake of itself, the responsibility, having other people say things like "I don't know how you do it" or "she works really hard". Alcoholics don't LIKE the drink, they like the process. Shop-aholics don't need what they are buying, they love buying things -- ANYthing.

Unfortunately, workaholics sometimes use work as a drug, to numb emotions.

Sometimes? You lack of clinical precision is stultifying. Come on Irene, you should be more encompassing than 'sometimes'. You are the queen of blanket statements. You can't have it both ways -- all 'aholics' are disease-ridden donchaknow!

And... WHILE we're at it, I'd like to make a global correction that if someone who reputedly abuses alcohol is an alcoholic, then we should not be using the suffix "aholic", we should use the more correct 'ic". So it would be a "workic", "shopic" etc. Hell, if we are going to use "aholic" it should be "oholic" anyway.

That's sad, not to mention that the kids suffer from an absentee parent.

Those poor little children.

I've known more of them than the genuinely joyful type

That's because NO ONE loves their job.

(I only knew one joyful type and she wasn't married; she also used alcohol so maybe it wasn't so joyful).

What do you mean by 'used' alcohol? Is 'using' alcohol a symptom of one of your textbook deep, dark, unconsicous problems?

sarcastically yours,
The Great Instigator, Fred.

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