[lit-ideas] blankets has been discovered

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:21:54 -0500

>>> Besides, electric blankets, as *have* been discovered since the film was made, are bad for one's health.

>>mostly I judge sentences by how they strike my sensitive ears and Eric's sentence doesn't sound right. Surely 'as *have* been discovered' should be 'as [it] *has* been discovered, the 'it' perhaps being optional. I don't really like the sound of this fix either ...

Exactly the quandary! I first chose "has" because "have" didn't sound right, but "blankets ... has been discovered" kept ringing wrong. "What would Robert do?" I exclaimed (though it was really more of a question).

The problem is "discovered." As in "as has been discovered." That really amounts to "a discovery has been" which is exactly what the seeming was. Except. Except that it was [a series of] discoveries that had been. Science. Replication of results. These results "have" discovered ... bad blankets.

But who has a finger on that trigger? Elided scientists, that's who! All those invisible and self-effacing researchers, perhaps in silent rebellion against A.J. Liebling's views of Proust, who had discovered that e-blankets were bad.

But they hadn't discovered blankets. So the problem is really the discovered problem. They did it. Those researchers. Them. &%&$!!!

Fire good. Electric blankets bad.

Wrote by,

Q: How do you make daffodils a metaphor for happiness, Mr. Larkin?

Larkin: Be a genius.
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  • » [lit-ideas] blankets has been discovered - Eric Yost