[lit-ideas] Re: The Peace of Westphalia

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 00:27:49 -0400

>>The original point was that nation states were invented, so to speak, with the Treaty of Westphalia. In addition to carving out Europe, it set the precedent for dividing up the M.E. and Africa into new, artificial entities.

Nation state are certainly better than the Talibanality of the Middle Ages or the Middle East. As for the rest of the point, there are too many historical contradictions to set an arbitrary precedent.

For example, even before the Thirty Years' War, it was a European custom for two powerful forces to fight on land belonging to a third party. That way the two powerful entities didn't risk their own crops and forests being damaged, their peasants ill treated or taken into bondage. The third party was out of luck.

As for dividing up other people's land and creating new entities out of them, it's hardly unique to 17th century Europeans. For example, Ottoman Sultan Mohammed II captured Constantinople in 1453 and transformed it into the new Muslim Ottoman capital. To go with his new capital, Sultan Mo II captured Greece, Albania, Bosnia, and Serbia. These regions were transformed into entirely different, parceled, interlocked facets of the Ottoman Empire. Mo II was planning to do the same to Italy, but his body had other plans and he died.

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