[lit-ideas] Re: The Lost Thames

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 14:32:29 -0800

On Dec 7, 2006, at 1:33 PM, Andy Amago wrote:

Brilliant? You're kidding, right? But then, I never thought Seinfeld was funny. I kept hearing how he's pee-in-your-pants funny so I thought, okay,
let's see what the commotion is and watched it a couple of times.

Andy and I agree. I have yet to find Seinfeld funny. There's always a chance but...

Meanwhile, I have here in my hand a book published by Coward, McCann Inc in 1929. "Here for once is a novel that really can be called an epic of America without error," said the New York Times of this author's previous novel. "This novel is the acme of fine writing," echoed the Oregon Sunday Journal. "Not in years has a more gripping novel been turned out by any publisher," wrote another.

Apparently this author was one of the very first to be serialized by the book of the month club.

The novel in my hand is titled, "Hunky" and it's by Thames Williamson.

Anyone read it?

Anyone recommend that I do?

All I can tell you so far is that it's about a "big, slow man" called Jencic and it's got a character called Putinsky, who, once introduced, is then called "the Jew."

Does anyone know if this Thames Williamson is the one who wrote the movie, "Taming Sutton's Gal":


In the same store I found a beautiful two volume biography of Arthur James Balfour.

David Ritchie,
a man of catholic tastes in
Portland, Oregon

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