[lit-ideas] Spartan Jejunity

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 22:06:10 EST


"Pray extend your Spartan jejunity to the length of a  competent letter." 

           1719 BENTLEY Epist., to S. Clarke 18 Nov.,  

Geary, quoting from Bentley writes:
>Turatios is jejune
Indeed. The Greeks in general were. I was reading Plotinus yesterday and I  
"He [Plotinus] wold not keep his own house to live in, but went the round  of 
his friends and acquaintances, dining at one house and sleeping at another  
(but he only ate every other day)"
      "deipnein, siteisthai de para mian"
--- Indeed, he would prescribe fastness as a cure for many things:
A friend of his, by fasting,
"though he had been so gouty that he had to be carried in a chair, he  
regainted his health."
[ad. L. jejunus, fasting, hungry, without food, from jejunare to fast.] re: 
to fasting, abstinence from food, from  jejunitas, emptiness of stomach, 
fasting, meagreness,.]  
1623 COCKERAM,  Jejunity, barrenness, or slenderness of stile. 
1719  BENTLEY Epist., to S. Clarke 18 Nov., 
Pray extend your Spartan jejunity to the length of a  competent letter. 
1891  Sat. Rev. 5 Dec. 641/1  Criticism..exempt from impertinence and from 
servility, from  jejunity and from fronde.
1623  COCKERAM,  Jejunation, fasting. 
1632 LITHGOW Trav. x. 445 Restrained to a  relenting ieiunation. 
1658  in PHILLIPS.

1619 M. FOTHERBY Atheom. II. ii. §2 (1622) 199 
When their Bellies are distended, and  full; yet their appetites are ieiune, 
and emptie. 
1670  J. BEALE in Phil. Trans. V. 1162 
Poor and jejune people, who are accustomed to  drinks almost as weak as 
1754 J.  MCLAURIN  Serm. & Ess. (1755) 156 
That cold, jejune, lifeless frame.
1846  LANDOR  Wks. II. 157/2  
For these forty good verses you will pardon, ‘After forty  days' fasting had 
remained’... Very much like the progress of Milton himself in  this jejunery.  
1626  BACON  Sylva §799  
The Ieiunenesse or extreme Comminution of Spirits.  
1703 Art Vintners & Wine-Coopers 5  
The grand and proxim Cause seems to be their Jejuneness and  poverty of 
1655 FULLER Ch. Hist. VIII. i. §41  
Many much admiring the jejunenesse of his  discourse.  
1796 BURKE Let. to Noble Lord Wks. VIII. 48  
The jejuneness and penury of our municipal law.  
1886  STUBBS Lect. Hist. xv. 339  
The pages of the annalist, where there are any, are so dull  that we scarcely 
complain of their jejuneness.  
1646 SIR T.  BROWNE Pseud. Ep. III. xxi. 162  
Jejune or limpid water, and nearer the simplicity  of its Element.  
1652 J. SMITH Sel. Disc. v. 146  
Those jejune and insipid morsels.  
1696  WHISTON The. Earth IV. (1722) 352  
They might never see such a Poor, Jejune, and  Degenerate State of the 
Vegetable Kingdom.  
1708 J. PHILIPS Cyder I. 54  
Not from the sable ground expect success, Nor  from cretaceous, stubborn and 
1833 J. RENNIE Alph. Angling 5 That they [fish]  are best pleased with such 
jejune diet may easily be confuted. 
1615  [implied in JEJUNELY].  
1647 H. MORE Song of Soul II. iii.  I. xiii, Jejune exilities.  
1652 J. SMITH Sel. Disc. ii. 41  
A forced and jejune devotion, void of inward life and love.  
1656-63  BULLOKAR Eng. Expos. s.v.,  
When we say of an Oration, Sermon, or any Discourse,  that it is Jejune, we 
mean Sorry, paltry, and very dangerous stuff.  
1671  R. BOHUN Wind 49  
Have employed so much time in such empty and jejune  speculations.  
1705 BERKELEY Comm.-pl. Bk. Wks. 1871 IV. 478  
The short jejune way in mathematiques will not do in  metaphysiques.  
1758  BLACKSTONE in Comm. I. 16  
He gives what seems..a very jejune and unsatisfactory reason.  
1818 HALLAM Mid. Ages iii. I. (1872) I. 395 The  chroniclers of those times 
are few and  jejune. 

1898 G. B. SHAW Arms & Man II. 29 

His jejune credulity as to the absolute value of his  concepts. 
1975  Economist 22 Nov. 14/1 
Is anybody..now so jejune as not to realise that  the state ownership of the 
deadweight of present nationalised industries must  prevent Labour governments 
from being able to follow..their social policies. 
1982  N.Y. Times Mag. 8 Aug. 10 Other  people..write in to correct you if you 
define the word..‘jejune’ as ‘childish’. 
1982  M. HOWARD Eppie (1983) xxxiii. 271 Mother  seemed jejune, at times, 
with her enthusiasms and her sense of mission.
4. jejune gut: =  JEJUNUM. Obs.  

1696 PHILLIPS (ed. 5), Jejune Gut, the second of the small Guts, so called,  
because it is frequently empty.
1615 E.  HOBY  Curry-Combe ii. 100 
The Knight saw how Ieiunely his Aduersary pleaded for  Purgatory. 
1665 BOYLE New Exp. Cold Pref., Wks. 1772 II. 475 
Other learned writers..have handled it exceedingly jejunely. 
1805 SYD.  SMITH Elem. Sk. Mor. Philos. (1850) 170. 
1850  SIR H.  TAYLOR Sicil. Summer I. ii, And teach us,  not jejunely what we 
are, But what we may be when the Parian block Yields to the  hand of Phidias.

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