[lit-ideas] Re: Sherlock Holmes on knowledge of the solar system and the workings of the brain

  • From: John Wager <john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2008 10:03:11 -0500

Paul Stone wrote:
 What I'd like to see is a model where you could lift up the sun off
its post, turn the whole thing upside down, put the  earth down on the
same post, and crank out "Ptolomeic" mathematical orbits.)

There is apparently a Ptolemaic orrery at the Birmingham Museum of
Science, so... if you are ever in the UK.
I've seen many "Ptolemaic" mechanical models; they all have tiny little "L" shaped posts to show what "epicycles" look like. But these don't convey to the observer that the OBSERVATION of the system is identical in both models. What I want to do is to show that the "facts" in both models are the same. None of the "epicycle" models looks like it has the same "facts." Having a replaceable earth/sun model should generate identical motions to the Birmingham Museum Ptolemaic model, but in a way that shows
it's just a different mathematical model, not a different set of facts.

------------------------------------------------- "Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and ignorance." ------------------------------------------------- John Wager john.wager1@xxxxxxxxxxx Lisle, IL, USA

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