[lit-ideas] Polo Memories, written by "Horse"

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:35:23 EDT

Football in Argentina: Who's to Blame
In a message dated 4/2/2009 5:11:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Bolvia vs Argentina 6-1?  What on  earth?  Last time I  
saw Argentina play, they were  good.

As My Uncle would say,
"When was the last time you saw your father?"
Anyway, Archetti (an author) has studied masculinities in football in  
Argentina. As he notes, the Brits are to blame.
There is a placque in the middle of nowhere in a 'camp' in Buenos Aires  
("Palermo Parks") that reads:
            "This is  where the first football match
               was ever played in Argentina."
All players were of course, English!
Anyway, I'm more interested in polo. Archetti's book is called: To Be  
Masculine: Polo and Football in Argentina.
The first polo match was played between the "Camp" and the "City" in a  
ranch. The army was involved in polo, not only the Brits, because polo _was_ 
training sport for cavalry, as it still is.
Archetti notes:
"The football is more masculine than the polo. In the polo, it's mainly  the
horse that does the playing."
He notes that the horse is a very tough animal, and dangerous, and  not
exactly masculine ("those big bottoms in full view").
Archetti argues for 'hybrid sexuality', especially the "Anglo-Argentine"  
breed, not of horse, but
of polo playing.
There is one Johnny Trail, who was the champion of them all. But he was a  
hybrid in two respects:
-- he rode a horse: i.e. he needed to hybridise what the 'other' to become  
-- he was neither fish nor fowl: with the World Olympics, Trail found  
himself (or hisself, as I prefer) fighting against Argentina -- since he was  
representing "England". He said, "What the fuck!"
JL Speranza
  Buenos Aires, Argentina
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