[lit-ideas] Re: Moot away...

  • From: david ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:15:27 -0800

I think I wrote something on Phil-Lit about Moot Hill and the Stane of Scone. As I remember, Moot Hill was where lords gathered to decide who would be king of Scotland, so the Nispissing Electors or the Nispissing Bloodthirsty Treacherous Thugs might be historically appropriate.

But by association of North Bay with the northernmost inhabited point in Britain, we come to the Nispissing Muckle Fluggas, an excellent name I think. Muckle Flugga is on the north end of Unst, just south of Out Stack, which is barren. Muckle Flugga has a lighthouse. What better symbol of a moot point than a beacon of light, silently flashing?

David Ritchie
Portland, Oregon
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