[lit-ideas] Re: Information Control

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 19:30:47 -0500

Andreas: It's not just the Chinese government. The US government is demanding that Google turn over information on users. AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft have already complied.

Eric: My understanding is that the government is NOT getting any information on users, but is receiving billions of unidentified search requests. Correct me if I'm wrong on this please.

Andreas: The Bush White House is illegally engaged in massive domestic surveillance of US citizens. They are reading emails, watching what webpages people look at, and so on.

Eric: I complained about the data-mining techniques back in 2002, when it was real news rather than political football. If you look in the ancient archives, I cited the case of a government-funded, Carnegie-Mellon computer scientist who had developed a data-mining algorithm that kept user identities secret until the desired profile pulled up a "hit," at which time the program could backtrace the data-mining to the identity of the source. Ashcroft never implemented her program, but instead chose to use a method of data-mining that kept all the user-identities available to the government. Concerned, the scientist went public with her story. Perhaps there were reasons for using the other technique (better data-mining), but this news item started to make me suspicious of the Bush administration's intentions.

There is a real need for data-mining and government surveillance, but the instance above makes me think that the government's constant bipartisan need for control and power are also part of the mix.

As for privacy, my understanding is that every computer chip currently in use has a back door designed by the makers to allow government access. And that this back door was created in Clinton's first term as part of an NSA initiative. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

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