[lit-ideas] Re: If I'm not mistaken

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2011 19:13:35 EDT

I haven't googled this yet, but I would like to  say:

If I'm not mistaken, I'm mistaken.

Call that Speranza's  paradox.

Since, "If I'm not mistaken" is a Griceian otiosity -- an  otiosity by 
Griceian standards, not one that Grice commits, "if I AM mitaken" is  rather a 
contradictory hedge. It turns everything into something that BREAKS the  
conversational maxims. "If I'm mistaken", too, but in subtler ways -- or  not.


And so on.

Note that it's only when _I_ is used  (as in Epemenidides' Liar paradox).

Thus, "If Geary is not mistaken, p"  (cfr. "unless Geary is mistaken, p") 
triggers different implicatures frrom those  that "if _I_ am not mistaken" 
does (cfr. "It is raining, but I don't believe it"  and 'It is raining but 
Geary does not believe it" -- Moore  paradox).

Goedel may be thrown in into the  bargain.



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