[lit-ideas] Re: Homage to Robert Paul

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 12:12:04 -0800

What, no poem?

>>Besides, electric blankets, as has been discovered since the film was made, are bad for one's health.

Now any damn fool (Quick, find one besides me! No, not beside me, besides me!) knows that this sentence should have been written:

Besides, electric blankets, as *have* been discovered since the film was made, are bad for one's health.

     and that the thought could have been better expressed:

Since the film was made, studies have shown that electric blankets are bad for one's health.


Validating Andre's comment, subsequent scientific studies have shown that electric blankets induce an additional health risk among those who use them.


You are in danger. Shut off that electric blanket now! Dispose of it. Andre's remark was prescient. Use wool blankets, quilts, or even better, wear extra-heavy long johns and thermal socks under twenty-five silk sheets capped by a bearskin rug.

     or, most preferred

Film old. Electric blankets bad. Fire good.

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