[lit-ideas] Re: Hitch on his leftist dismay

  • From: jimkandjulieb@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 12:38:43 -0400

People are afraid of snakes.  People are afraid of planes.  Let's lump them 
both together!  The only person I've  met who saw the movie simply used the 
adjective "cheesey".
Considering that I love flying and that if a 6" long garter snake passes in 
front of me I run screaming in hysteria, I don't think it's a film I'm going to 
bother with.
There were two trailers before the Trade Center Towers film which made me want 
badly to see both movies -- one was "FlyBoys" (and I am seriously not into war 
flicks) and the other was "Babel".
Anyone know anything about them?  There isn't much in IMDB because it's going 
to be several months before they're released, apparently.  "Babel" will most 
likely not even hit Columbia and I'll have to wait for it on DVD.
Julie Krueger
-----Original Message-----
From: pas@xxxxxxxx
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 9:15 AM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Hitch on his leftist dismay

At 10:03 AM 8/26/2006, you wrote: 
>Paul Stone wrote: 
>"He had to kill all the m***erf***in snakes!" 
>We want a review from Paul. 
That must be the royal 'we' because ain't nobody else reading my posts as of 
late. As for "snakes on a plane", you get what you pay for. All [very low] 
expectations are met. None are surpassed. If you were doing a psychological 
reading of the movie for a Master's seminar, you could see some reverse racism, 
but it's nothing compared to this years Survivor -- which of course has already 
been taped and played itself out. I can't believe the outcry over it. Maybe 
they should outlaw the world cup of soccer in 4 years too. 
king nothing 
[insert pithy quote here] 
Paul Stone 
Leamington, ON. Canada 
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