[lit-ideas] Re: Guns and the older woman, continued

  • From: Andy <min.erva@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 18:00:44 -0700 (PDT)

Lawrence, where do you get your information?  Guns may or may not be allowed in 
Nigeria, but the country is an armed camp.  Nigeria is another instance of lots 
of young men with nothing to do, all armed to the teeth with the very latest 
weapon technology.  The big thing in Nigeria is kidnapping oil workers for 
ransom.  Boy, if you think they're using spears and knives, are you behind the 
times.  No more Abbott and Costello and the dancing natives.  Spears and knives 
are what's not allowed in Nigeria.  They're laughed out of the country.  
Nigeria is very high tech.  Seems your Nigerian Airways friend didn't have a 
problem getting a gun in any case.   
  As far as the old woman the cops killed, are you saying it's a good thing 
they killed her?

Lawrence Helm <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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  Reminds me of Nigeria.  My friend the Nigerian Airways Rep said that guns 
aren't allowed there and the punishment is severe if one is caught with a gun; 
so small gangs of teenagers and young men can pretty much rob whomever they 
like.  They have a few spears, some knives, and every once in a while one will 
have a gun, but it may or may not work.  The thing is, no family or person can 
readily prevent these small gangs from robbing a person or a house.  Civilians 
are at their mercy.  My friend wanted to buy a gun while he was here.  He was 
willing to risk the penalty rather than give into one of these gangs -- of 
course this is the real world and not your mythical paradise where everyone 
loves everyone else . . . in fact, pardon the intrusion.  Go on with your 

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