[lit-ideas] Grice and Popper: Concerning Rationality

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2013 21:58:20 -0500 (EST)

There is a coincidence between Bernays and Grice  which is non-existent 
between Bernays and Popper.

Bernays, like Grice,  were born in England.

This  from:


"It is  significant that Paul Bernays, the co-worker of the foremost 
mathematician of  the 20th century, David Hilbert, in his
contribution to the Festschrift of  Karl Popper remarks that any account of 
rationality has to pay attention to  concept-formation.
He states that the “proper characteristic of rationality”  is “to be found 
in the conceptual element” (1974: 601)."

Grice, an  Englishman, like Bernays, would agree.

"We have followed up the  suggestion made by Bernays, namely that the 
meaning of rationality ought to be  related to the
nature, scope and limits of concept-formation and we have done  that by 
highlighting the restrictive and expansive
boundaries of rationality.  But what is the status of the “in-between,” of 
the intrinsic domain of  rationality, the domain of

Grice, like Bernays, an  Englishman, would agree.



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