[lit-ideas] Re: FW: Re: The Soldiier as Sacrificial Victim

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 11:07:52 -0400

Andy Amago:

"I wonder how many people would be so in favor of war if they themselves
had to go out and have their butts shot off instead of, as K says,
sending somebody out to do it for them and die for them?  I didn't see
Bush grabbing a gun and dodging a few bullets.  Phil, next stop Iraq?"

Don't be a dumbass.  You haven't a clue what I am in favour of so stop
projecting your insecurities and self-loathing.  As the kids say, you
are a hater.

As to the 'Kemo Sabe' reference, I have heard several different versions
of this joke.  What I wrote "'We', Kemo Sabe?" works as a kind of
short-form of a longer joke and so works only if one knows the joke.
But, if one is being pedantic, it doesn't work as the punchline for the
joke even though it has the form of the punchline.  The problem is that
the name 'Kemo Sabe' means 'faithful friend', which doesn't work for the
joke.  Other versions of this joke have obvious racial implications, and
so for equally obvious reasons are often avoided in 'mixed' company.
Because it is raining, I give here the 'offensive' version:


The Lone Ranger & Tonto are riding down into a box canyon. At the far
end, the Lone Ranger notices an army of Comanche Indians, in full
war-paint, frowning down from the cliff walls at him.

Turning to his left he notices a great number of very mad looking
Arapaho Indians staring down.

On his right he observes a host of Cherokee Indians peering at him over
the rim of the canyon.

Looking behind, he sees every Apache brave in the world slowly creeping
into the canyon, blocking the exit.

The Lone Ranger turns to Tonto and says, "My, we're in a heap of
trouble, huh?"

Tonto's reply, "Who do you mean we, pale-face?"


For Andy: The original poster was talking about what he claims 'we'
haven't done.  I was merely pointing out that this use of 'we' is
inappropriate.  It seems to me that what he really means is that he has
come up with a theory that very few people agree with and so projects
ignorance on those who would disagree.  Much like you do.  I am not
surprised you appreciate his work.  Not that there is anything wrong
with that.  We all need like-minded friends.


Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

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