[lit-ideas] Re: FW: English Language

  • From: Walter Okshevsky <wokshevs@xxxxxx>
  • To: Lit Ideas <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:35:51 -0230 (NDT)

Hilarious stuff, Bill. Just goes to show that everybody should be
speaking Russian.  And that language and table-tennis  have much in
common: the less you think in the performance, the more fluid the movements.

(At least fluids are fluid.)

Returning to baking my bakies. (No Russian cooks his cookies. Or cooks
the books. Or even books a cook. Although screaming out "It's a
cookbook!!"  in the vicinity of people boarding an alien spacecraft is
universally  understood. It's nice being on sabbatical, even if one
doesn't keep it wholly.) I trust nobody will reply to this posting.

Walter O.
Memorial U.
The Rock
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