• From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2007 00:34:00 -0500

At 12:29 AM 1/13/2007, you wrote:
I saw Norman today, walking down the street I live on. I was driving the opposite direction. Norman used to be at least five feet tall, now he's more like four eight or so, or maybe it was just the bent-overness. He's still as dark as espresso and lean as a whippet though. I waved at him but apparently he's still so absorbed in his own world that he doesn't see anything unless it bumps into him. I used to work alongside him at Overton Square. A complex of bars and restaurants and retail shops. Norman was the crew chief of the janitorial staff. I was the maintenance man. That was some thirty years ago, or so. Norman was known as HNIC. That's what his fellow workers called him because he was their immediate supervisor. HNIC meant 'Head Nigger In Charge'. If any one of the others told another what to do, the invariable response was, "Who made you HNIC?" There was a period of time, about three weeks as I remember, when Norman wasn't HNIC. He had gotten drunk and beat up his wife pretty bad. Stupid of him to then have fallen asleep. His wife boiled up a pot of water and poured it on his back as he slept. He was out for 3 weeks. I was astonished at the violence in his life and his cavalier attitude towards it. He shrugged. He had it coming to him, he said.

HNIC here stands for "hockey night in Canada", a Saturday tradition that well, stands for all we stand for. It's a pity that acronym was filched for such a despicable moniker.

HHICOF [head hoser in charge of fuckall]

[insert pithy quote here]
Paul Stone
Leamington, ON. Canada

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