[lit-ideas] Re: Clockwork Orange

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 09:38:49 +0100 (BST)

I'm still not sure. Is this another excerpt from Ronald Reagan's diaries?

Precusor of the new spelling of precursor

> Nogzy, Crocky and Bizzies
> I'm a Nogadog, me. I've been one for four years and I'm 17 now. I thought
> it 
> was a good thing when I was young. It was all my mates. You are just a
> Nogzy 
> soldier. We are all Nogzy soldiers.
> It's not a nice thing to be into, fighting and shooting and that. But
> that's 
> it. It can be with fists or with knives, whatever someone prefers. Or guns.
> I haven't used a gun, though I have shot one off in the park once. If I was
> in danger and lads were after me then I would use one - there are two
> Crocky 
> lads after me now. If you are fighting and you have something on you, then 
> you are just going to use it.
> I suppose my preferred tool would be a gun. I don't have one but I could
> get 
> one if I wanted to. You can get a gun practically anywhere here, in a shop,
> in a newsagent even. It's so easy - Mach 10s, Mach 11s [submachine guns], 
> they would probably cost up to £400. There's loads of Crocky carrying guns 
> in their shorts. I've got a BB gun stashed in them bushes if I need it. I 
> put it there last night cos there's so many bizzies [police officers] 
> around.
> I don't look over my shoulder every day but I look for Crocky cars. Lads
> are 
> slightly hesitant when a car pulls up and they don't recognise it. They 
> could be tooled up and they could be after you.
> I've been slashed in the leg but I've never been shot. A couple of months 
> ago, Crocky lads had me at gunpoint in the back of a car. They just grabbed
> me in the Broadway. One of them said: "Listen I am going to blast you." It 
> was only a milly, a nine milly [9mm pistol]. They pointed the gun to my 
> head. I said: 'If you are going to do it, do it now.' I shat myself. They 
> let me go because they said I was the last one on their list.
> I've got pictures of guns on my mobile and my pit bull - the bizzies took 
> him away cos they said he was illegal but they gave me him back after two 
> days. The wallpaper on my phone is a Glock M14. The bizzies deleted the gun
> pictures from my girlfriend's mobile.
> There's loads of Nogzy, but we break up into smaller groups because of the 
> bizzies and section 60 [of the Criminal Justice and Order Act 1994 which 
> grants stop and search powers if police believe people are carrying 
> dangerous weapons] and the Asbos some of the lads have, which says they're 
> not to hang out with more than three boys.
> The gang's not fixed, it's loosely organised. We don't all meet up and have
> a daft committee and decide what to do. There's a hardcore of about 14. We 
> are good us, we never do robbing. The Crocky does robbing. We do grafting. 
> Mostly cars, I suppose I rob about two cars a month and sell them on.
> I just stay in bed till about 2pm. Then I sit around and smoke weed. 
> Sometimes we do beak [cocaine] or garys [ecstasy or MDMA] but I don't do 
> that on the street because your jaw swings like fuck and you would need a 
> good kip half the time. I do it every weekend though and it's fucking
> great. 
> I'm being good tonight. I'll have a Bud and a smoke.
> Everyone wears black, the Nogadogs and the Crocky. It's so the bizzies
> don't 
> know who you are. The bizzies are twats. I've slashed their tyres twice. 
> It's funny. They pull us over all the time, they've got the Matrix squad 
> [firearms team], and are always around in their CCTV wagons. They'll not
> get 
> any weapons on any of us.
> I suppose we're always worried about grasses. Like if I told someone "I've 
> got a piece stashed round in my back garden" and he goes and tells someone 
> from another firm. You need to watch your back and who you talk to if you 
> don't know they're a true Nogzy soldier.
> I've been done for possession of crack cocaine - I was selling it, not
> doing 
> it - and threats to kill. I've just got out a couple of months ago, I got 
> two years for assault on a police officer and criminal damage for smashing
> a 
> police van up. I was in the Farms [Lancaster Farm young offenders 
> institution in Lancashire] and [HMP] Altcourse.
> I've had charges since I was 10 or 11, all different assaults and that. My 
> mum and dad were not too happy. My dad doesn't like gang wars. My mum's got
> cancer. I have got an older brother who is 21. He was a bit of a Nogadog
> but 
> not like me. I am in with everything. If they are involved in it, I'm 
> involved in it.
> I couldn't be arsed with school. I never really went. They never tried to 
> stop us being in gangs or anything. Not that they could ever tell us what
> to 
> do.
> I don't know what happened with that kid [Rhys Jones]. It's really
> terrible. 
> He was only 11 and had nothing to do with any of this. He's got an older 
> brother but I don't think they were trying to get him. Maybe it was just 
> someone shooting off a gun like I did that time and he fucked up. " 
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