[lit-ideas] Re: As Far As I Know (Not Far)

  • From: Ursula Stange <ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 18:55:24 -0400

Since 'farther' is reserved for actual distance and 'further' for metaphorical 
distance, shouldn't it be 'as fur as I know'?

...and ditto your last paragraph Mr. Paul....

in far and away North Bay

On 2013-04-30, at 6:44 PM, Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As an example of the use of 'as far as I know...,' JL quotes Smith asking his 
> or her colleagues (who might or might not be able to answer),
> on what appears to be a discussion list for help, as follows
>> As far as I know (not far) once you set the  excerpt length, you cannot
>> change the length for display on a different page.  Can anyone confirm that?
>> Thanks all ...
> This is, of course, a perfectly good use of the expression at hand. Smith, it 
> would appear, is claiming he has a bit of knowledge about something but 
> wonders if what he knows (or thinks he knows) is all there is to it. If the 
> notion of knowledge's being something one _has_, —as if it were like a 
> headache or a hallucination or a pang of regret—is troublesome, one might say 
> that Smith (believes) he knows a bit about excerpt length, etc. He may, he 
> thinks, but he isn't sure.
> There's another common use of 'afaik.
> A: Is Sally going to be there tonight?
> B: As far as I know.
> A: Damn.
> The simplest way of understanding B's reply is that he hasn't heard anything 
> to the contrary, not that he's making (horrible expression),
> 'a knowledge claim.'
> Ordinary people like me often wonder how philosophers acquired the copyright 
> to words like 'know,' 'knowledge,' and many others, such as 'snapdragon.' 
> They wonder if the use of 'know,' e.g., is really as contentious as 
> philosophers seem to think, and perhaps, when nothing worth watching is on 
> TV, how philosophers found out that knowledge or truth or justice were what 
> they believe they are.
> Robert Paul
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