[lit-ideas] Re: After August 22

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 13:24:35 -0400

Lawrence quotes some bearded knucklehead in a windbreaker: "...acknowledge the right and the might of the Iranian people,"

One possible strategy being considered for the war on terror is to reach a Nixon/China style accord with Iran, forcing the struggle with Islamofascists away from the Middle East and deeper into Africa, where it can be more easily contained. However with the bearded knucklehead in a windbreaker in charge of Iran, we would have to make it very unpleasant for Iran before he would be compelled to seek that accord.

Part of our problem is also that whenever the bearded knucklehead in a windbreaker opens his mouth, oil prices go up and that gives Iran more money for terrorism.

PS: No bear today. He must have gone a'roving.

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