[list_indonesia] Re: [ppiindia] Da Vinci Code ditarik dari peredaran?

  • From: Suyanto Tanamal <chi_chen87@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 01:08:18 -0800 (PST)

** Mailing-List Indonesia Nasional Milis PPI-India www.ppi-india.da.ru **

Sapa yg sudah melihat program BBC dimana dibuktikan kebohongan2 di dlm DVC?=
 Bahkan ketika pembawa acaranya ingin mewawancarai Brown, berkali2 dianya t=
ruzz menolak dgn alasan dianya sibuk lagi tulis buku baru. bahhh... dan ane=
hnya yg dibilang database theology terlengkap yg ada di Kings' College Lond=
on itu jelas2 boongan...coba kamu ke uninya n tanya departemen yg dibilang =
di DVC...pasti gk ketemu. Truzz 'superkomputernya' itu cuman a bunch of aca=
demics (4-5people) meeting together twice in a week. Referensinya? Bukan su=
perkomputer/database terlengkap di bumi ini tp buku perpustakaan. Kalo buku=
nya umur ribuan tahun masi lumayan....ini mahh buku2 yg diterbitkan dalam k=
urun waktu 50an thn... Wahh..ini aja yg kasat mata brani boong..apalagi sej=
arah yg uda ribuan tahun itu....ck ck ck...jaman ini byk penipu nya... -_-
Cheers=3D )

Nur Rochman <marketing.kybi@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Carla Annamarie [mailto:Carla.Annamarie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 1:07 PM
To: ppiindia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ppiindia] Da Vinci Code ditarik dari peredaran?

im actually disagree with the DVC, but as far as i know church is not
threathen by DVC, even have it banned in public..church wont belittle them
self by this small disturbance.., i think every one has a right or could
read DVC freely, it's not against the law or forbid by church..the church
dont have that priviledge right.., only God could be the judge of
everything...not man..

                      Robertus Budiarto
                      <budiartobobby@ya        To:
                      hoo.com>                 cc:
                                               Subject:  Re: [ppiindia] Da
Vinci Code ditarik dari
                      03/22/2005 10:15          peredaran?
                      Please respond to

Yah begitulah, sering kali agamawan memang terlalu takut dan overacting,
regardless agamanya apa. Di jaman ini masih ada yg mau mencekal buku dan
bahkan fatwa mati. Astagafirullah....

Syukurlah sekularisasi (bukan sekularisme) telah cukup baik mengimunkan
agama dari penyalahgunaan  oleh petualang-petualang politik. Setidaknya di

Silakan ikuti berita Tempointeraktif mengenai itu.

No. 04/XXXIV/21 - 27 Maret 2005
Luar Negeri --->
Kontroversi dari Genoa
Popularitas Da Vinci Code yang terus berlanjut mulai mencemaskan petinggi
Vatikan. Tetap di peringkat novel terlaris setelah lebih dari 100 pekan.

RUANG pertemuan di Balai Kota Genoa, Italia, itu penuh sesak. Kardinal
Bertone mengambil tempat di depan dan menghadap hadirin. "Siapa yang sudah
membaca Da Vinci Code di sini?" tanya Kardinal. Dan ratusan tangan pun
mengacung. Pertemuan yang berlangsung Kamis pekan silam itu bukanlah sebuah
misa, tapi debat terbuka tentang novel Da Vinci Code, yang dihadiri oleh
masyarakat kota tersebut.
Belum sempat Bertone menyembunyikan rasa terkejutnya, belasan pertanyaan
lisan dilontarkan secara terbuka: Benarkah Yesus menikah? Mungkinkah Yesus
punya anak? Betulkah Gereja menindas peran wanita? Pertanyaan lain
disampaikan lebih sopan, lewat secarik kertas kepada Kardinal. Selain
ratusan orang di dalam ruangan, semua jendela dipenuhi wajah ingin tahu
yang mengintip dari luar. Debat pun berlangsung sekitar tiga jam.
Antusiasme yang muncul merupakan rangkaian reaksi setelah dua hari
sebelumnya Kardinal menyatakan novel terlaris karya Dan Brown itu sebagai
"kebohongan yang memalukan". Ia menganjurkan agar toko buku Katolik menarik
novel yang sudah terjual 17 juta eksemplar itu. "Itu mengejutkan sekaligus
membuat saya khawatir, karena begitu banyak orang mempercayai kebohongan di
dalamnya," kata Kardinal kepada harian Il Giornale.
Pendapat Bertone penting dihitung. Sebab, ia orang nomor dua di departemen
paling berpengaruh di Vatikan: Kongregasi untuk Doktrin Keimanan. Selama
ini Vatikan belum mengambil sikap khusus terhadap novel yang menceritakan
Yesus memiliki anak dari hubungannya dengan Maria Magdalena itu. Bertone
sendiri menampik bila pendapatnya itu disebut mewakili Takhta Suci.
Da Vinci Code (DVC, 2003) merupakan sekuel dari Angels and Demons (2000)
yang ditulis Brown dengan menggabungkan gaya thriller detektif dan teori
konspirasi. Kisahnya sendiri terpusat pada usaha Robert Langdon, profesor
ilmu tentang simbol agama di Universitas Harvard, untuk mengungkap
terbunuhnya kurator terkenal Jacques Sauni=A8=A8re di Museum Louvre, Paris.
Posisinya saat terbunuh seperti posisi dalam lukisan terkenal Leonardo Da
Vinci, Manusia Vitruvia. Telanjang dan mengepakkan tangan seperti elang.
Novel ini menjadi kontroversi karena menyinggung banyak hal seperti Piala
Suci (Holy Grail) yang digunakan Yesus dalam Jamuan Terakhir, peran Maria
Magdalena dalam sejarah Kristen, komunitas rahasia Priory of Sion,
organisasi Katolik Roma Opus Dei (Latin: Karya Tuhan) yang didirikan oleh
Santo Josemari=A8=A2 Escriv=A8=A2 pada 2 Oktober 1928, sampai keturunan Yes=
us yang
masih hidup di Paris.
Sejak diluncurkan dua tahun silam, DVC terus bertengger di puncak buku
terlaris. Sampai pekan lalu, misalnya, daftar yang dikeluarkan USA Today
memperlihatkan novel ini masih di peringkat pertama pada pekan ke-104.
Semua tempat yang disebut dalam novel itu menjadi tempat yang dibanjiri
turis. "Sekarang muncul citra anak muda yang=A1=AAseakan=A1=AAbelum modern =
belum baca DVC. Sedangkan keluarga minimal harus memiliki satu eksemplar di
rumah," kata Bertone mengecam.
Sebuah situs www.catholicanswers perlu mewanti-wanti umat Katolik agar
waspada terhadap buku tersebut. "Meskipun fiksi, karena menyatakan bahwa
sejumlah fakta yang dimuat berdasarkan riset ilmiah, hal itu memberikan
kesan ke pembaca bahwa cerita yang ditulis adalah fakta,'' kata situs itu.
Buku-buku yang muncul menjelaskan "kesalahan" DVC sedikitnya sudah sepuluh
judul, termasuk Da Vinci Code Decoded karya sejarawan Martin Lunn yang
tinggal di Barcelona, Spanyol. Sabtu pekan lalu, film dokumenter berjudul
sama=A1=AAtermasuk wawancara dengan Dan Brown=A1=AAdiputar di Perpustakaan
Nasional, Jakarta Pusat, dan disesaki penonton.
Namun keberatan Bertone terhadap DVC mendapat tanggapan cukup keras dari
Monsignor Jose Maria Pinheiro. "Itu pendapat pribadinya, bukan Gereja,"
ujar Pinheiro, yang baru tiga pekan silam dicalonkan sebagai Uskup Sao
Paulo oleh Paus Yohanes Paulus II. "Saya tidak melihat perlunya novel ini
dicekal." Jadi, kontroversi akan berlanjut.
Akmal Nasery Basral (Il Giornale, BBC, AFP)

Ari Condro <masarcon@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Inget novel "Jomblo" tulisan Aditya Mulya,
Nah, ada berita baru, kagak ada hubungannya sich ama si Adit.

Kabarnya Da Vinci Code, yang menurut mbah Gigi masih
kalah seru ama tulisannya mbah Stephen itu bakal ditarik
atas perintah otoritas gereja Vatikan. Dianggap blasphemy.
Wah, ini gaya siapa tuh ..... yak ....  :P
[ sambil ngelirik abah HMNA ... blink .. blink ... ]

Hare gene getu loh .......

Jadi pengen tahu berita selanjutnya ...  nyam nyam.

Ari Condro

  From: Adhitya Mulya
  To: pasarbuku@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 2:46 PM
  Subject: [PasarBuku] da vinci code ditarik dari peredaran?

Tadi denger dari milis tetangga bahwa buku da vinci code akan ditarik dari
peredaran (di seluruh dunia) berdasarkan instruksi dari vatikan.

mau minta kepastian saja, apakah benar adanya isu ini?
Regards, Adhitya
+225 05871731 / http://adhitya.blogspot.com


Posted on Sun, Mar. 20, 2005

Vatican denounces 'The Da Vinci Code'
Cardinal blasts anti-Catholic attitude of book

Washington Post

ROME - As is just about everywhere else in the world, Rome is awash in
editions of "The Da Vinci Code," the blockbuster whodunit with a narrative
that includes a Vatican cover-up of an explosive theological secret: Jesus
was married.

Despite the heretical plot twist, in which Jesus had a child by the wife,
Mary Magdalene, Dan Brown's novel was on sale at the bookstore of Gemelli
Polyclinic, the Rome hospital where Pope John Paul II underwent a
tracheotomy last month and spent 18 days recovering before being released
last Sunday.

Well, enough is enough. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, once a top dogma
in Vatican City and now archbishop of Genoa, broke the Vatican's silence on
the book Wednesday and told Vatican Radio that no one should read it and
certainly Catholic bookstores should stop selling it.

"Don't buy and don't read that novel," he said. And in remarks to Il
Giornale, a conservative newspaper, Bertone declared, "There's a big
anti-Catholic prejudice." He added that the book "aims to discredit the
church and its history through gross and absurd manipulations."

Bertone explained why, two years after the novel's debut, the church ought
to be putting its foot down. Too many people are taking the book's mix of
art, architecture, secret societies, weird symbolism and hocus-pocus as -
you'll excuse the expression - the Gospel truth.

"You can't be a modern youth without having read it," Bertone said. "The
book is everywhere. There is a very real risk that many people who read it
will believe that the fables it contains are true." Until two years ago, he
belonged to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the official
defender of orthodoxy in the Vatican.

Brown has disputed criticism that his novel is anti-Christian.

References to Christianity have been popping up all over the mass media.
Last year's mega-hit by Mel Gibson, "The Passion of the Christ," about
Jesus' last hours before and during the Crucifixion, was praised by the
Vatican, where it was privately screened for the pope. Vatican spokesmen
said the pontiff gave it two thumbs up, but they later retracted that
and said he doesn't do movie reviews. In London, Madame Tussauds, the wax
museum, mounted a Nativity scene with soccer star David Beckham and wife
Victoria, aka Posh Spice, standing in for Joseph and Mary.

Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" - used as evidence of the
Jesus-Magdalene liaison in Brown's book - also took a hit. In an irreverent
ad campaign by the French fashion house Marithe and Francois Girbaud,
women in chic casuals were arranged at a table in postures similar to the
Apostles' in the painting - except that in John's place, a shirtless man in
low-slung jeans slouches. French Catholics sued because the poster "did
great injury to Catholics" by representing the Last Supper "in denigrating
conditions." A judge banned the poster as "an aggressive act of intrusion
people's innermost beliefs."

Lawyers for the fashion company had argued that the posters were a parody
a painting, not a religious event, and wondered aloud why the judge did not
ban "The Da Vinci Code."

In any case, the heretical horse is way out of the barn. Eighteen million
copies of "The Da Vinci Code" have been sold worldwide. A movie starring
Hanks is in the works. Tourists pester guides at the exhibit of da Vinci's
"Last Supper" in Milan, asking them to point out the Mary Magdalene figure.
Guides explain repeatedly that the figure is that of a youthful John.

"There are two reasons the church needs to speak out on this issue," said
Massimo Introvigne, director of the Center on New Religious Studies, a
Catholic research organization in Rome. "Dan Brown talks about facts, and
things in his book are not facts. And second, I am astonished by the number
of Italians who tell me their faith has been shaken."

Riffs on the life of Jesus outside orthodox teaching are nothing new -
either in books, in Hollywood or, for that matter, in the most ancient of
Christian documents. Of course, there was Martin Scorsese's film "The Last
Temptation of Christ," in which Jesus on the cross imagines an alternative
life of married bliss with - who else? - Mary Magdalene. Before that, there
was "Jesus Christ Superstar," the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera that also
hinted at an affair between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, although not so much
as to offend. Vatican officials declared it acceptable entertainment for
Vatican's millennium celebration.

In the early centuries of Christianity, religious leaders grappled with
various accounts of the life of Jesus, some of which were at odds with
orthodoxy. Was he a man, prophet or God, or all of the above? In the 4th
century, Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, ordered scores of manuscripts
attributed to followers of Jesus destroyed. But disobedient monks buried
versions in clay jars and some were discovered centuries later. Among them
was a manuscript called the Gospel of Mary, attributed to Mary Magdalene.
suggests she was one of the chosen followers of Jesus and an equal, at
least, to the others.

No mention of marriage is made in any of these, nor in the orthodox Gospels
of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, and it is the titillation aspect of "The Da
Vinci Code" that, in part, upsets church leaders and scholars.

"Scandal is what such books are all about," said Bernardo Estrada, a
of the New Testament in Rome and a member of Opus Dei, a worldwide Catholic
lay organization with strong Vatican connections. Opus Dei is one of the
villains in "The Da Vinci Code." It is portrayed trying to suppress
knowledge that Jesus left a lineage on Earth and meant for Mary Magdalene
be head of the church. "It's an attack on the church as obscurantist, and
Opus Dei is just a vehicle for the attack," he said.

But Estrada doesn't think "The Da Vinci Code" ought to be banned. Rather,
priests need to read it so they can talk about it. "Anyone with a
and religious base can refute it. I rather liked it; it's a good thriller,"
he said.

"There are two reasons the church needs to speak out. . Dan Brown talks
about facts, and things in his book are not facts. And second, I am
astonished by the number of Italians who tell me their faith has been

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