[Linux-Discussion] Re: Linux should be able to do this... But how?

  • From: ianezz@xxxxxxxxxx
  • To: linux-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 12:29:53 +0200

Lynn, pigiando tasti a caso sul citofono, ha scritto:

 > Well, that's balderdash pure and simple.  Hard-disks do not have
 > "layers".  The way you prevent the possibility of data recovery is by
 > writing over top of where the old data used to be.

No, you are wrong. Please read this:


and consider that there are companies specialized exclusively in that
sort of (expensive) data recover.

You'll probably need SEVERAL subsequent overwrites with different bit
patterns. There is also GNU shred that can do this on a per-file
basis, assuming that when you overwrite data in a file you actually
overwrite the same phisical areas on the hard disk (this may be true
or not, depending on the filesystem).

In the end, smashing the hard disk in very little bits with a
sledgehammer is the easiest way if you want to be ABSOLUTELY sure.
 |   \    \  | ___|_  |_  | ianezz AT sodalia.it
 |  _ \  | \ | _|    /   /  Visita il LinuxTrent a
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