[Linux-Anyway] Re: Was Mercy's job quest -- Now: Buffy premier

  • From: Meph Istopheles <meph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:46:39 -0700 (PDT)

> Heh. Wasn't I speaking about (hobbies that serve as) drains for
> surplus intellectual power recently? It needn't be hobbies,
> obviously...

> I was quite ready to snicker over two old men discussing what
> would logically happen next in a totally illogical fairy-tale
> for pre-adolescent girls

  That's just it -- it's not just for young girls.  Is the show 
running there?  If so, watch it for a season.  Then come back & 
tell us what you think.

> I won't laugh over you, I'll give you the opportunity to laugh
> over me. Do you know "Sailor Moon"?

  Sure, though I've only seen some jpg's from Usenet (both 
sexually & not sexually related).  Don't know the stories.

> A japanese anime for schoolgirls, featuring a (clumsy)  
> schoolgirl that fights demons and other forces of evil (or
> rather starts a fight and than waits for the macho tuxedo mask,
> her boyfriend, to get her out of the mess)? It had only one
> plot, it was overloaded with girlish kitsch - pink, hearts,
> love and cuteness everywhere. It gave me a peculiar kick a
> while ago, and I hardly missed one.

  Dirty old man;-).

> I guess it's the morbid appeal of the naive - I even went to a
> "moonies" chatroom to discuss Sailor Moon with girlies in their
> early teens.

  Heh.  Do that with an American ip address, & you'll have the 
Feds at your door;-).

> I guess that once in a while you get tired by being yourself,
> the chain-mail suit of the person you are becomes too heavy and
> restricts your breath, so you try to take it off for a couple
> of relieving moments and escape into some fantasy world.

  That's the point of television, movies, videos, fiction, etc.  
Life sucks, but fantasy doesn't have to -- even morbid stories 
can relieve the idiocy of the human existence.

> You two at least aren't worse off with Buffy than I was with
> Sailor Moon. So enjoy.

  Why, thank you:-).

>                               Sailor Moon

  Uh, yeah.  Scott, as you follow Buffy more closely than I (he's 
obsessed;-), can you come up with some Buffy curse for us?;-)


  "Mind you, not as bad as the night Archie Pettigrew ate some 
  sheep's testicles for a bet....  God, that bloody sheep kicked 
  -Ripping Yarns

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