[Linux-Anyway] Re: Was Mercy's job quest -- Now: Buffy premier

  • From: Horror Vacui <horrorvacui@xxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 19:19:00 +0200

Scott Robbins wrote:

>On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 08:54:15AM -0700, Meph Istopheles wrote:
>>  He's still not finished dealing with, or balancing, the pain of 
>>having killed all those people in his past.  I expect one of two 
>>things for him:  1. He'll see there's no future with the "First" 
>>because he both the chip ~&~ his soul keeping him from taking 
>>human life, or 2. He will either be signed to UPN or will be the 
>>"difficult" cross-over Joss mentioned in some interview, & will 
>>go to Angel for help in dealing with the guilt.  Who else can 
>>~possibly~ understad what he's going through, but a vampire who 
>>also has his soul?
>Spike and Angel together again. :)  Of course, first they have to pull
>Angel off the bottom of the ocean.
>Still, I hope they bring Spike back to his old self in some way soon--his 
>appeal has often been in the great lines that he gets. 
Heh. Wasn't I speaking about (hobbies that serve as) drains for surplus 
intellectual power recently? It needn't be hobbies, obviously...

I was quite ready to snicker over two old men discussing what would 
logically happen next in a totally illogical fairy-tale for 
pre-adolescent girls, but then I had a flashback. I won't laugh over 
you, I'll give you the opportunity to laugh over me. Do you know "Sailor 
Moon"? A japanese anime for schoolgirls, featuring a (clumsy) schoolgirl 
that fights demons and other forces of evil (or rather starts a fight 
and than waits for the macho tuxedo mask, her boyfriend, to get her out 
of the mess)? It had only one plot, it was overloaded with girlish 
kitsch - pink, hearts, love and cuteness everywhere. It gave me a 
peculiar kick a while ago, and I hardly missed one. I guess it's the 
morbid appeal of the naive - I even went to a "moonies" chatroom to 
discuss Sailor Moon with girlies in their early teens. I guess that once 
in a while you get tired by being yourself, the chain-mail suit of the 
person you are becomes too heavy and restricts your breath, so you try 
to take it off for a couple of relieving moments and escape into some 
fantasy world. You two at least aren't worse off with Buffy than I was 
with Sailor Moon. So enjoy.

                                Sailor Moon

Horror Vacui

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