[Linux-Anyway] Re: FreeBSD version and installation disks

  • From: Scott Robbins <scottro@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 06:31:32 -0400

On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 12:12:26PM +0200, Horror Vacui wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 07:07:25 -0400
> Scott wrote:
> > I usually just put in the very basic stuff, ports and Linux emulation.
> >  I
> > then put in everything else, including X, from ports.
> > 
> is often a bit confusing), but I guess as someone who tends to say that
> gentoo installation procedure is easy (albeit with a lot of RTFM), this
> is a somewhat unfair statement to make. 


I would have to say the install is a) far quicker and b) far simpler
than Gentoo's.  Like Gentoo, or other source based O/S, however, disk
space as you mention below, can quickly become a problem. I usually do

make install clean 

This cleans out the extra stuff in each port's directory. There's a
little script you can do too, something like for i in
/usr/ports/*/*/work; do; rm -rf $i; done.  That might not be exactly
correct and isn't tested at this instant.

You can also simply cd to /usr/ports and do 
make clean.   (This takes awhile.)

> I'm glad to report about several other pitfalls as well. I predicted
> that with 1.2 GB HD the space would probably be a bit of a problem, and
> I intended to mitigate the problem by mounting parts of my large newer
> HD as storage - but FreeBSD won't do reiser, at least at my current
> level of expertise. 

No it doesn't--it only does (and then, only if you add it to the kernel)
ext2fs and ext3fs.  You get a somewhat meanspirited warning when you do
config afterwards, something like contaminated GPL code included.

 Another pitfall is that for some reason the
> install process doesn't create an /etc/resolv.conf. 

That's odd.  It should have, assuming you chose DHCP configuration of
the interface during post installation.  

> I've also got some other stuff to deal with. On the virtual consoles,
> the keyboard map is ok (german qwertz/codepage 850), but in X it's the
> bloody american qwerty. Having dealt with many OS's that default to
> this, I can use this as well, but it's an annoyance.

X isn't a FreeBSD thing, it's an X thing.  That would involve choosing
the keyboard map during configuration.
> Also, the UFS seems to be very lame. To be fair, it's running on an
> old&lame disc, but I still have the impression that it's slower than the
> Linux filesystems.

With soft updates?  Also, 5.x is slow due to debugging that is in the
kernel. You want to turn that off.  Not sure how to do it without a
recompile (btw, their kernel config is much quicker and simpler than

> The only thing negative that I can say about it is that there seems to
> be no easy way to remove packages. I installed too many, and currently I
> don't see any possibilities to remove some except for removing manually
> (which I won't be bothered to do) or reinstalling the whole thing.


ls /var/db/pkg | grep foo

pkg_delete foo-<somenumbers>

Or, cd /usr/ports/<portname>
make deinstall

(however, that actually uses pkg_delete)
> On the whole, the impression is positive. Most problems I had with it
> are my fault, and I'm in no way turned off it. Under better
> circumstances (larger, faster HD) I'd probably like it very much.

I find it faster than Linux--completely subjective of course, no

Actually, there's a thing going on, don't know when it'll be over, the
beaver challenge, where they have set some benchmarks to compare various
flavors of Linux and BSDs.  I'm too lazy to startx right now and have to
go to work, but a google search for beaver challenge should pop it up.
No results as of yet.  One of the ones they're trying is DragonFlyBSD, a
fork of FreeBSD begun by Matt Dillon.  Just started playing with that a
day or so ago--at present, no real difference that I see for my purposes
between it and FreeBSD-4.9.  He has some good ideas, but they will
probably take some years to implement.


Scott Robbins

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