[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: unicode braille output when no dis defined

  • From: Hammer Attila <hammera@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 15:34:52 +0200

Hy Jon,

If for example Orca selected a Liblouis contraction table and Brltty default not configured equals language braille table, Orca contracted braille output is not always right. I easy to reproduce this situation if I booted my system and prewious deleted the /etc/brltty.conf file. This situation my system Brltty select english braille table and in Brltty preferences need selecting the hu.ttb table to I get right hungarian Liblouis contracted text when I using Orca with contracted braille feature.

We tryed oldest time Mesar with louis.ucBrl mode when working unicode braille test harness generation support in the lou_harnessGenerator utility. louis.ucBrl mode now not producing unicode braille by default unfortunately I think.
Try following code with python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!coding: utf-8
import louis
print louis.translateString(["hu-hu-g1.ctb"], word, None, louis.ucBrl)

This code resulted me native valami Liblouis braille output.
If I modify the table list with ["unicode.dis", "hu-hu-g1.ctb"] code part, I get right with ⠧⠁⠇⠁⠍⠊ unicode braille output. Now lot of translation tables not containing braille-patterns.cti file include line, so many tables not possible displaying unicode braille output. In Liblouis tables directory have 117 .ctb extension translation tables, and 108 tables this file are not included.
Only following braille tables containing include braille-patterns.cti line:
ckb-g1.ctb, cs-g1.ctb, es-g1.ctb, gez-g1.ctb, hu-hu-g1.ctb,
nl-BE-g1.ctb, sr-g1.ctb, ta-ta-g1.ctb, wiskunde.ctb.

For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

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