[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: back translation issue

  • From: "John J. Boyer" <john.boyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 09:34:32 -0500

This looks like a static variable in lou_translate.c is not being properly set 
or reset. This was pointed out in a message some time ago.


On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:42:15PM +0000, Ken Perry wrote:
> Ok this is a strange one so please read  carefully.  I was working on some 
> table changes to improve the en-us-g2.ctb and found a strange problem that 
> probably should have been fixed already.  If you try translating the 
> following:
> A A
> It translates forward fine to a ,A but back translates to a  a.  This is 
> using the en-us-g2.ctb.  This was strange because all 25 other letters 
> forward and back translate fine.  So I decided to see if it worked in the 
> en-us-g1.ctb.  So I loaded up lou_allround and tried it None of the single 
> letters worked when I did the low letter first and the cap letter second. .  
> Now here comes the strange part.  If how ever I got a successful back 
> translation like I type bank and it back translates fine the next time I try 
> to translate "a A" it works perfectly and so do all the rest of the letters.  
> So to see what I mean do the following:
> Lou_allround
> T
> En-us-g1.ctb
> R
> A A
> B B
> Bank
> A A
> I have no idea why that does that and it probably has nothing to do with the 
> original problem that a A is not working in en-us-g2.ctb  I did a trace on 
> that and it seems that a A is using a largesign rule which is not right.  I 
> hope someone tries the above and can help me figure out what is going on.  I 
> can also report that when I was using the en-us-g2.ctb with "a A" I tried 
> doing it with lou_trace and it is using a largesign rule if I do it with "b 
> B" it says that b is first a lower case and second an upper case and works 
> perfectly.  So it's just weird how the letter 'a' is working.
> ken

John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
Abilitiessoft, Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin USA
Developing software for people with disabilities

For a description of the software, to download it and links to
project pages go to http://www.abilitiessoft.com

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