[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: Road map

  • From: Christian Egli <christian.egli@xxxxxx>
  • To: Michael Whapples <mwhapples@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 16:01:31 +0200

Michael Whapples <mwhapples@xxxxxxx> writes:

> * Update documentation for JSON test harness: This is something I feel
> which needs to be done soon, before the next release. What is the
> format for documentation? I know LaTeX but know nothing of texinfo, is
> it similar?

I agree that it would be nice if we had this for the next release.
Texinfo is similar in spirit to LaTeX, different macros. See
http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/manual/texinfo/ for the manual in
different formats.

> * Java bindings: My Java bindings have been relicensed to apache2, I
> believe that is GPL compatible, my main reason was that I felt I could
> not continue supporting the bindings and so wanted to free them up for
> others to contribute/develop if they want to. It would be good for me
> to see the other Java bindings. I currently would be restricted to
> working on JNA bindings, I don't know any C, except for enough to know
> how to use things like ctypes in python and JNA in Java.

The bindings that Bert created seem the most complete of them all. They
are based on jna. Johns bindings are based on jni AFAIK. See my comments
on jni below.

> * Again on bindings but I felt needed a separate point: If anyone knew
> enough about swig then that might be desirable to explore to see
> whether that would be a better option for different language bindings
> than doing a specific one for each programming language.

That is another idea that I got from FOSDEM. We created java bindings
for libhyphen uning swig. Swig creates bindings for many languages. For
Java it creates jni based bindings. This is all fine but for deployment
it means that you have to compile some C code and there is no standard
place where the jni header files can be found. John might have done this
better in his bindings but I found it a real hassle that jni.h wasn't
even in the same place on a Debian and a Ubuntu machine. On the other
hand if you use jna all you have to do is to include a jar and it just
works on all platforms. That's why the new java bindings for libhyphen
are now based on jna.

So to answer your question: Yes, it would be good to have swig based
bindings for more languages. Probably it wouldn't even be that hard. But
you need people testing them.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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