[liblouis-liblouisxml] Adding Icelandic to Liblouis/LibLouisXML

  • From: Birkir Gunnarsson <birkir@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 21:46:43 +0000

Hello there

We work for the Icelandic National Institute for the Blind (incidentally it is 
located in Iceland, believe it or not). :)
With much appreciated assistance from our buddy Ben Van Poppel, who is very 
interested in the language, we have created the necessary/corect format files 
for LibLouis (I believe) and we wish to add Icelandic to the project, so we can 
reap the benefits of using it with NVDA, Orca etc.
Icelandic has no contractions (grade II) at this point so it is a simple 
character mapping.
The language has a few rules for how to present text formatting etc, and I am 
not familiar enough with LibLouis yet to know if these can be specified in some 
format, but initially we just want to add the language support into LibLouis.
Can you tell me what steps I need to take with the files to get them submitted, 
and what the process will be like after that (how long will it take to add it, 
is there anything we need to do additionally etc)?
Sorry if this has been asked many times before, pointing me to a relevant page 
is fine, but I believe only contributors can submit files and I have not earnt 
that status.
Thanks very much for any hints on the topic, we will respond promptly to any 
work items that have to be resole and look forward to enlightening our users on 
open source software possibilities supported via this initiative.
Thank you


Birkir Gunnarsson
Þjónustu- og þekkingarmiðstöð fyrir blinda, sjónskerta og daufblinda / 
Icelandic National Institute for the Blind, Deafblind and Partially Sighted

Hamrahlíð 17, 105 Reykjavík
GSM/Mobile: +354 860-9496
Email: birkir@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:hlynur@xxxxxxxxxx>
Veffang/home page: www.midstod.is


Allar upplýsingar sem fram koma í þessum tölvupósti og viðhengjum hans eru 
einungis ætlaðar skráðum viðtakanda eða viðtakendum. Upplýsingarnar kunna að 
vera trúnaðarmál og falla undir ákvæði um þagnarskyldu og trúnað. Hafir þú 
fyrir tilviljun, mistök eða án sérstakrar heimildar tekið við tölvupósti þessum 
og viðhengjum hans biðjum við þig að gæta fyllsta trúnaðar, hvorki lesa né skrá 
neinar upplýsingar eða notfæra á nokkurn hátt og tilkynna sendanda að 
upplýsingarnar hafi ranglega borist þér (Sbr. 2. Mgr. 44. Gr. Laga um 
fjarskipti). Vinsamlega eyðið síðan póstinum.

PNG image

Other related posts:

  • » [liblouis-liblouisxml] Adding Icelandic to Liblouis/LibLouisXML - Birkir Gunnarsson