[lektrik_flyers] Sun

  • From: david reid <davidreid67@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lektrik_flyers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 18:45:13 -0700 (PDT)

A fairly good day today.  A little warm but not windy.
 I broke my 3x3 prop on my Lil Thunder yest. so I put
a cam speed 4.75x4.75 on.  It is pretty quick now.  I
don't know if it is because it is so little, but it
seems fast.  It is in the hangar now, needing repairs,
unplanned landing.  My motor spun on the mount and the
plane spun to the left into the ground.  I need to
patch my ailerons, and it'll be good to race David I
Hope Ross is ok.  He had an unplanned landing himself.
 Sounded painful, and looked it.  John G flew his
eZipper and actually landed it right side up, thanks
to my expert piloting of getting it up to altitude
since he couldn't.
(OK, it was my wimpy throw is why it wouldn't fly
first toss.)


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