• From: <tedgrant@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 May 2011 13:03:34 -0700

Women in Medicine. A Celebration of their Work.

I have just acquired the remaining copies of this award-winning book 
illustrating the daily lives of women in medicine. It was created on 
location in hospitals throughout North America by two photojournalists using 
Leica cameras and b&w film.

One of the most unique aspects? . "The Art of Observation illustrated by 
these two photographers covering the same subject in various locations and 
not being able to tell which photographer took which photograph! A tribute 
to their equally matched abilities as photojournalists."


Ted Grant, one of Canada's best kept secret, and his protégé Sandy Carter 
break no ground in Women In Medicine. A Celebration of Their Work. There is 
nothing new here. Instead, they present us with a work of classic 
documentary photography; two outstanding photographers venturing forth into 
a world new to most of us, returning with a collection of photographic 
moments that together show us what it is like to be a woman in the male 
dominated world of medicine.

I say Ted Grant is a Canada's best kept secret because he is little known 
outside his own country. But there he is a true star in the field of 
photojournalism. For more than 60 years Grant has been shooting for major 
Canadian newspapers; his work of 280,000 images is in the permanent 
collection of the Canadian national archives, and a few years back, he and 
Karsh of Ottawa, perhaps the best known classic portrait photographer of the 
past 50 years, received the same life time achievement award.

Women In Medicine. A Celebration of Their Work, will remind you of nothing 
so much as the LIFE Magazine work of W. Eugene Smith, inventor of the 
magazine photo essay. Look at the photos of these women in scrubs at the end 
of an endless shift, and you can't help think of Smith's classic essay, 
"Country Doctor." What makes Grant and Carter's work all the more 
impressive, is that unlike Smith, they neither set up any shots, nor did 
they use any flash or other supplementary lighting. Grant makes no bones 
about distaining the use of what he calls "twinkie" lights - flash. When the 
light disappears he just pulls out the Noctilux for one of his Leica M7s, 
and pushes his Tri-X a stop further.

While this is a book that will appeal to any woman in medicine, be she a 
physician, a nurse, a nurse midwife, or a tech of any type, and while it is 
also a book that demands a place on the bookshelf of anyone who loves a 
woman in medicine, it is first of all a book for anyone who loves classic, 
black and white, available light

documentary photography.

The special price for the autographed copies includes a six-page 
"Photographer's Supplement" explaining many of the photographic techniques 
and the lighting motivations of the photographs.  It also includes an open 
invitation to contact the photographers with any questions about their work.

Ted Grant tedgrant@xxxxxxx       Sandy Carter  sc-photo@xxxxxxxxxxx

COST $40.00 plus shipping $10.00 please order via e-mail Thank you.

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