[LRflex] Re: Field Day in Logan Lake.

  • From: Charlie Falke <chfalke@xxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 22:20:10 -0400

David Young wrote:

Hi Charlie!

I didn't realize that the Vibroflex was such an old design... it is (or at least this one is, I believe) an electronic keyer.

I was pleased to find the "right" home for these items, and he was delighted to expand his collection!

A good day, all round!


  You are right, they did make these simpler keys, basically back to back
straight keys, for use with electronic keyers, for guys who wanted
the flexibility and surgically precise code of an electronic
keyer, but the gorgeous finish of a Vibroplex key.  Shame on me for
not noticing.  In point of fact, it's perfectly easy to let your PC
do it all for you and you just type.  Using any kind of key qualifies as
ancestor worship (wrote the persistent user of film.)
   The Vibroplex keyer makes dahs in the usual way if you push it
one way, and a pendulum and spring make a series of dits of you
push it the other.  You have to adjust the dit rate you're going
to send at beforehand, so it takes some getting used to,
as you have to keep sending at about that rate unless you adjust it
again, and if the other guy can't copy at that speed you need to adjust
it again.  Guys who did it for a living could send at 40 WPM, one of
those feats that make you wonder at the human mind and body.
  Good show finding homes for those items.  One of my receivers
is a Hammarlund, similar to the one to the right on the table. They were all made in lower Manhattan.

Charlie Falke                                         _____      /\
                                                | __/\__/------/__)
"One test result is worth                        |    |/        `o
 one thousand expert opinions" - Wernher Von Braun   0  N4003M
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

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