[klaatumail] nokk: Update #3 on my Inner Contacts CD crowdfunding project...

  • From: Glen Aka Barney Rubble <barneyrubble120@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "<klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <klaatumail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:19:57 -0400

Hey friends, S:^D
MAN! For my first Indiegogo campaign, I'm certainly not being spared! After
about 18,000 visits, it seems the counter is "broken" (or so someone has told
me). Mind you, I recognize each and every contributor's email address and/or
name so far, meaning by far the people I already know and call my friends are
the ones who have been contributing so far... And for this I humbly and happily

Over here, we're gearing up for a winter storm that's predicted to shut down
the community for the day... Thankfully, this summery music helps me offset the
winter blahs, calming me down, focusing me and gently coaxing my spirits to
rise. S:^) I would consider it very, very sweet indeed if I was able to help
others with this as well through manufacturing and releasing the Inner Contacts

I seem to recall someone once saying, "All is lost if one abandons hope". S;^)
With less than five days (and possibly less than four) remaining in the
campaign, there's still half the territory left to cover until the $800 CDN
(roughly $560 U.S.) goal is reached. I'm still working with people to get the
Inner Contacts project out there and promoted. The way I calculate it, if
another 24 people pledge the equivalent of a "CD" perk, we can end up with
enough money to cover the Indiegogo, credit card processor fees and PayPal
expenses in full and _still_ get the original $800 goal in funding left over!

If you haven't checked it out yet, I would greatly appreciate it:


And for those of you who did but were disappointed to find a broken link to the
album preview (in full, all 60+ minutes of it), my most sincere apologies. I've
since fixed the link and you should be able to hear all of it. (Just don't use
up your mobile data to hear the album, as it gets costly. S:^( Use a WiFi
connection instead! S:^) )

And if you can't contribute, remember: sharing and spreading the word is just
as valuable to me as contributing. See the buttons to the left for Facebook,
Twitter, and so on? Those help to promote the campaign a good deal. Thanks

Wishing you all a happy (and safe) winter, with nice summery feelings mixed in,
Glen (aka Barney Rubble)

Sent from my iPhone

Other related posts:

  • » [klaatumail] nokk: Update #3 on my Inner Contacts CD crowdfunding project... - Glen Aka Barney Rubble