[karc] Re: Radio course graduation

  • From: Joe Jansen <jansen.joe@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <karc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 17:08:35 -0400

Les my daughter has been waiting for the course to start. When did it begin? 
She will be disappointed that it began without her.

When is the next course? Will there be another one this year?

Joe Jansen VA3BOO
-sent from my Palm Treo-

-----Original Message-----
From: "Les Lindstrom" <les.lindstrom@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: karc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 5/26/09 16:36
Subject: [karc] Radio course graduation

On June 1st the radio course students will be writing their exams.  

As discussed at the last club meeting it was suggested that as many members as 
can find time attend a celabratory "get together" at 772 EW Sqn that evening.

Timings are as follows - 1 June from 2030-2300 at the Squadron.

Location directions:

Hwy 2 east turn left (across from Macdonalds - Macnaughton entrance)- you have 
the big flag pole directly in front of you)  Follow the road to the stop or 
yield sign and then turn right.  continue straight ahead until you pass the 
helicopter (on your right).  Turn left at the next street and park in the 
parking lot on your right (across from 772 EW Sqn).  I would have brought you 
in the museum entrance but they have a tendency to lock that gate at night.

I need to know who will be attending (to provide a nominal roll to the security 

In addition it is request that attendees bring some munchies ( sandwitches, 
cheeze tray etc)
If you could pass your names to me asap I can coordinate who brings what???  

Lets show the new students a proper "Ham welcome"

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