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  • Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:00:00 -0500


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- National Women's History Month Special Edition

- National Ethics Awareness Month
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21)
Ethics of "News Writing"

- Music in Our Schools Month
Start a School Band with no money
Patriotic Songs

Capture Your Culture and Record Your Memory

World Music

- Birthday of Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879)

- St. Patricks Day - Teach History Through Music 8th grade State Standards
Irish American Vernacular English and the hidden influence of
Irish and Scots-Gaelic on what we call American English

Wolfe Tone lived near me in West Chester PA. <Karen>
http://tinyurl.com/36yw3r Whiskey Rebellion 1790's "Run Johnny Run"
Society of United Irishmen and the Whiskey rebellion army
Wolfe Tone is forced to go underground with his movement.
He becomes strongly influenced by the French Revolution.
The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion also had the unintended
consequences of encouraging small whiskey producers and other
settlers to relocate to more distant lands in Kentucky and Tennessee,
which remained outside the sphere of Federal control for many more years.
In these frontier areas, they also found good corn-growing country as well
as limestone-filtered water and therefore began making whiskey from corn.
The ?Whiskey Rebellion? in western Pennsylvania was a revolt of Irish
farmers who made their own whiskey not wanting to pay Secretary of the
Treasury, Alexander Hamilton?s excise tax. Washington put down the
rebellion with troops. Jefferson, who already resigned from the Cabinet,
criticized the government?s actions.
Benjamin Franklin wrote; ?It is a fact that the Irish emigrants and their
children are now in the possession of the government of Pennsylvania.?
George Washington elected the first President of the United States,
Charles Thomson as Secretary of the Continental Congress brings
him the news. Washington was, as shown earlier second cousins
to a family of McCarthy?s. His diary shows he was very close to the family.
Washington?s family was from the south-western part of England that had a Celtic tie.
Washington in gratitude to his Irish supporters once offered this prayer:
??when Ireland shall strike her harp to the wild notes
of Erin and Liberty, the ocean breeze will bear to her
shores the prayers of Americans, to cheer her in her
glorious struggle, and hail her regenerate in the rights
of mankind.
Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country?s most
friendless days, much injured, much enduring land,
accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth,
and mourns thy desolation. May the God of Heaven,
in His justice and mercy, grant thee more prosperous
fortunes and in His own good time, cause the sun of
Freedom to shed its benign radiance on the Emerald Isle.?
Kilkenny native James Hoban won the design contest for the
?President?s Palace?, later known as the White House. Hoban based the
winning design on Leinster House in Dublin. Previously, he built the
capital at Columbia, South Carolina. George Washington, and James Hoban
in his position as Master Mason of the Federal of Free and Accepted Masons,
laid the cornerstone of the White House.

How much sleep do Teens really need?
Sleep-Deprived Teens Report Stress, Mood Disorders
Sleep deprivation affects moral judgment.

Senate approves artist's and educators tax deduction.

New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled
that school districts are responsible for stopping bias-based harassment of students

Bill and Melinda Gates's oldest child, who's 10
"45 minutes a day of total screen time for games and an
hour a day on weekends," plus whatever time is needed on the PC for homework.

YouTube will be banned from Autralia Victoria's 1,600 public schools
"in a bid to clamp down on cyber-bullying,"

Report Cards
State-by-state report card on educational effectiveness that shows
America?s K­12 schools are failing their students and putting America?s
future competitiveness at risk. The report graded all 50 states and
Washington, D.C., on nine broad categories including academic achievement,
return on investment, truth in advertising, rigor of standards, and data quality.
Research on the color red shows definite impact on achievement

Music Makes You Smarter - Early Music Lessons Can Have Major Benefits
Parents know that music carries our culture forward. If you want your child to
be culturally literate, then you want him to study or listen to music. Music Benefits include socialization, cooperation and mental agility. Other studies suggest that
music helps children focus on the structure of sounds,
an important aspect in language development.

Connecting with the Arts
Devise ways of integrating the arts with subjects across the
curriculum in the middle grades

Imagine hundreds of similar live video feeds of strangers
Jenni's and Johnny's alike--broadcasting from their rooms
to a single social network.

Ants in the Pants, Classroom Management,
 & Testing

CA Schools Falling behind on NCLB
New study shows that only 10 out of hundreds of low-scoring
California schools facing severe consequences under No Child Left
Behind have improved enough to get off of a state watch list this year.

Backpacks and Back Injuries Get Off My Back!
40-pound packs on the back of a 70-pound middle-schoolers hurt their backs



"MetLife Foundation Ambassadors in Education Award"
The MetLife Foundation Ambassadors in Education Award recognizes
teachers who have undertaken extraordinary, and voluntary, efforts to
connect with their students' communities and to make themselves an
active member of their community. Qualified nominees build partnerships
and increase communication between the school, families,
local businesses/nonprofits, and local government.
Maximum Award:  $5,000.
Eligibility: middle or high school teachers in one of 25 participating school districts (see website).
Deadline: March 14, 2007.

"Excellence in Teaching Awards"
The 2007 Butler-Cooley Excellence in Teaching Awards honor classroom teachers
who have changed the outcome of students? lives and the communities in which
they live.
Maximum Award: $5,000.
Eligibility: currently licensed, active primary or secondary school teachers
with at least five years of teaching experience.
Deadline: May 1, 2007.

"Awards for Young Scholars Illuminating Culture & Economics"
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute grants the Templeton Enterprise Awards to
scholars under forty who have produced the very best books and articles in the
field of humane economics and culture.
Maximum Award: $50,000.
Eligibility: authors aged 39 and under of books and articles published in the previous
year on topics relating to the culture of enterprise.
Deadline: May 31, 2007.

"Senior Urban Education Research Fellowship Program"
The Senior Urban Education Research Fellowship program, sponsored by the
Council of the Great City Schools with funding from the Institute for
Education Sciences, is designed to promote collaborative, high quality,
rigorous research projects between senior researchers and urban school
districts. The goals of the fellowship program are the promotion of scientific
inquiry into questions and challenges facing urban school districts;
facilitation of significant collaboration and on-going partnerships between
the research community and the leadership of urban school districts;
and the production of a set of high quality studies that yield reliable
guidance regarding the challenges and decisions urban school districts
face in the reform of secondary education.
Maximum Award: $100,000.
Eligibility: researchers with at least 7-10 years of experience and an established
track record of working with urban school districts.
Deadline: Letter of intent, March 23, 2007. Applications due, April 23, 2007.

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