[JA] Re: Yahoo List Bounce

  • From: James E Henderson <jim.henderson@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:36:05 -0500

Carolyn, I wouldn't expect satisfaction from writing to abuse@xxxxxxxx
about messages bouncing.  At least, not for free riders like me.  Paid
users, maybe.

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 02:45:34 EST carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx writes:

CS> I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't source. I'm thinking,
> for example, of our discussion awhile back about all
> messages from topica-based lists being refused
> because topica was identified as a spammer. 

Seems to me a different case.  Only a few Juno users, apparently only
heavy ones, are having list messages bounce.  Only a few of their
messages are bouncing.  Only after that does the source make a
difference, since Yahoo Lists stop sending when they get a bounce while
other list servers and individual correspondents persist.

So, it depends on whether you are discussing the cause or the result of a

CS> Do you recall my comments a couple of months ago to the effect
> that Juno seemed to be checking message storage just once a
> day because when I went to webmail my available messages
> exceeded 2.2 Mb and I received a second "your mailbox is full"
> message despite having cleared out over half the
> messages that had been there the day before?

Yes, that's exactly my hypothesis.  You are skating close to the mailbox
limit, and the Juno servers are using an inaccurate algorithm to decide
when to bounce messages.  My mailbox has never been one twentieth full,
so the inaccuracy has never bothered me.  Yours is often half full, and
is sometimes misjudged to be full.  Keep your mailbox less than a tenth
full, and I figure the problem will disappear.  Maybe a quarter will do

CS> Usually one mail run a day (because of the dial data file problem), 
> under 200 messages is a light day, over 300 leaves me dismayed.

Your daily load corresponds to my weekly.  I make half a dozen mail runs
most days.  Thus my incoming packets are a twentieth the size of yours
and my mailbox in the server is always nearly empty.  Here's a sample
download as described by my\Program Files\Juno\bin\client.lo~ file:

20030224 00:45:08: . [4294559147]: Received `C:\PROGRAM
FILES\JUNO\USER0000\get\030914DB.mbg' in   2.420 secs: 2174 cps

which is to say, shortly after midnight Feb 24, I downloaded my messages
in less than two and a half seconds.  This is quicker than usual.  Too
bad the log doesn't say how full the mailbox was.  The 10 AM download
that got the message to which I'm replying took more time.  Like, a
quarter of a minute, mostly spam.  I cannot see its log yet, presumably
because the Juno session is still open.  Perhaps a study of your download
logs can help tease out the causes of your problems.  Don't store them in
the partition Juno needs for processing.

You heavy users can split your traffic into multiple downloads, either by
using multiple accounts or by not letting half a day pass between
downloads of an account's mail, or preferably both. This might fix the
false "mailbox full" bounce problem for you.  If it were me, I'd say drop
some lists and don't solicit so much traffic, but mine is a lightweight
mind, easily overwhelmed by such a heavy load of ideas.  Your stronger
mind is not overloaded, but the load is sometimes too much for your
weaker hardware and single Juno free account.  

Especially your inadequate free disk space is occasionally overwhelmed
when a dial data list arrives along with a heavy message packet.  Why a
phone number list should take Megabytes to process, I don't understand,
but others who were overwhelmed were able to process it properly by
temporarily moving their stored message folder files out of the partition
Juno uses for processing.  Better, of course, would be to liberate more
disk space permanently.

To sum up, it looks to me like two problems:

1)  Inadequate hardware and free disk space, overwhelmed sometimes by a
dial data list, leading you to make your mail runs less frequently, thus
aggravating the other problem:

2)  A single Juno server mailbox filling too closely to an inaccurately
enforced limit, thus causing incoming messages to bounce sometimes with a
false "mailbox full" indication.  Depending on the listserv, this may
result in your being delisted.

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