[JA] Re: Juno and NetZero Complete the Merger

  • From: George H Lunt <glunt@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:19:27 -0700

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001 Carolyn Stoffel <carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx> writes:

   Re: comments by George L
   >The stock of the combined company opened at $1.97 a share 
   >and in the first two hours of trading this morning has dropped
   >more than 20 cents...

>I don't know how significant that is at the moment given the stock
>markets's declines of the past couple of weeks, both here and 

Hi Carolyn, and All,

Apparently, not very as the stock has rebounded and closed at $1.87
today.  I think the significance for Juno stockholders could be
determined by the fact that they received .357 of a share of stock for
every share of Juno stock they had...  and on the last day JWEB traded I
believe it was $.67 a share, so it would be worth $.67/.357 or $1.88... 
so looks like they've breaking even so far.  But, of course, you're
correct in that the world, national, and local economies and particular
industry trends and niche all must be taken into account in the long run.

>I'm still wondering what will happen to those of us still using 
>Juno 1.49. I thought about "writing" to the email addresses 
>in a recent message about the merger but figure it's pointless.

It may not be pointless to inquiry about Free e-mail in general, although
I doubt anybody who we might reach by e-mail who might actually know the
answer would respond...  and whatever they said this week could change
next week anyway.  As far as v1.49 is concerned, Juno has already
disavowed any knowledge of it and will not provide support for it.  So
all you can do is continue to ride the wave until Goldston pulls the plug
and drains the pond.

For what it's worth, the Juno home page has changed rather significantly,
displaying a sales pitch for "Juno Platinum" at $9.95...  NetZero has
been promoting NetZero Platinum for quite a few months now, same price...
 and for all we've read about NetZero being the free service, and Juno
the paid, were still touting Free Access!  

Hmmmm...  just went and double-checked and the page I was describing is
gone.  But that's not unusual as Juno uses cookies to display different
Home Pages to different visitors and maybe you only get to see that page

Ah yes, here's the page I got sent to last night, the one I was
describing above...  


...and it is definitely touting Free, as well as pay, Internet Access. 
It also lists a promotional offer (same as NetZero has been doing) of 6
months for $49.95 (the price of 5 months).

Interesting...  I just checked the NetZero Home Page and it's almost an
exact duplicate of the Juno Home Page!  Only they've very carefully
inserted the words "...for a full 10 hours each month**" which is all
NetZero is going to allow after the October 1 (and that's per family
which is the same as all the accounts being connected from the same phone
number).  Oh these words are inserted following "Free direct access to
anywhere on the Internet" which is what it states on the Juno Home Page. 

So how much longer is that going to last...  who knows?  And how much
longer are they going to supply Free e-mail or let v1.49 users access
it...  you guessed it, who knows... 

And for Leslie, the link to "Check your mail" on the new Home Page points
to the old http://webmail.juno.com address, not the new Juno beta site. 
I think they've probably dropped development of that new site for awhile.

George Lunt ..... so. cal.

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