[jhb] Re: IVAO flight reporting

  • From: "bones" <bones@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:27:05 -0000

No - I've not heard of it at all. 
I don't know how this works as I cannot see how it can tell the difference
between someone flying and someone just logged in to test the system - or as
a controller. It may be taking the basic data from the flight plan somehow
but I can't see how it would work out the times of the flight..
When you file a PIREP I can check this against the time IVAO says you have
been logged on - this system seems to verify the authenticity of reports.
The bad news is that if there is a server break during a flight the
authenticity check fails and I have then to manually approve the flight.

-----Original Message-----
From: jhb-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:jhb-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Chris Prophet
Sent: 27 January 2008 20:31
To: jhb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [jhb] IVAO flight reporting

Bones... i know i asked you last night about the reporting of  a JHB flight
if its auto or not
well seems some other VA's have it set up so u just fly ur flight on IVAO
and then there u go all ur flight is reported to the VA in question
ANy idea how this works??

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