OFF TOPIC: more important news regarding the WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter!

  • From: "Beto Escobar III" <betoescobar3@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "JFW List Serve" <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 19:07:49 -0600

Hello Everybody once again:
I received an E-mail from the webmaster, and latest programmer to the updated 
WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter informing me that the downloads have been moved to 
a different section of the website.  What he, the Webmaster & Programmer, of 
this updated WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter has done is really fantastic.  He has 
developed a portion of his website regarding news, information, a bugs list, 
forum, and a lot of other stuff regarding this latest update to the 
WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter!  

I do not know if this is public knowledge yet, but what Scott has informed me 
is that he has plans to update other Interpreters so that they too can have a 
speech component added to them which will allow more doors to open up for us-- 
the blind community!  
The WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter is compliant with the Inform Interpreter.  As a 
result, if you have public Domain text adventures playing on an Inform 
Interpreter, you can now play those same games on this latest version of 
WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter!  I know there was some sort of large game file the 
people at Odyssey E-Mag developed, if someone would send me a link to that game 
file, I would like to download it..  
Scott has informed me that he will be doing some sort of updating to an 
interpreter to play Level 9 games on our PC's in the near future.  With the 
WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter, we can now play Infocom games on this Interpreter, 
and sometime in the near future, we will be able to play Level 9 games on 
another Interpreter!  Yeah!  a louder yeah!!  

Okay my friends, here is the new link to where the downloads are at:

Okay everybody, let everyone else know, who has specific needs such as us, 
about this so we all can have fun!  

Best Wishes!  

Beto Escobar III, LMSW 
(BETA TESTER updated WinFrotzTTS2002 Interpreter) 
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