Re: New Features for JFW 7.0 Posted

  • From: Chris Skarstad <toonhead5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:08:18 -0500

HJ as a company no longer exists. It's been Freedom Scientific for like how many years now?
I am very excited about the new features in version 7 of JAWS. The ability to put JAWS on a flash drive might be able to be done on other screenreaders, but it's about time this was the case for JAWS as well.
Also the improvements for those who use Exel and Word will be welcome too I'm sure. The new ability to read tables as they are actually presented is not in my view a frivolous feature either. and what about Mozilla Firefox? Frivolous? I think not.
For those going to a mac with voiceover, that's great. More power to ya. but I prefer to stick with Windows. To each his own I guess.

At 11:51 AM 9/25/2005, you wrote:
At 06:52 PM 9/24/2005, you wrote:
No I don't think so?

I use cut & paste allot with the clipboard & unless you could choose which text you want to paste, I would not use that feature. They should be working on the windows clip board manager.


Dear Keith and List,

I have used JAWS since DOS and Word Perfect. We all know that JAWS is re-versionized every year at this time so that profits and HJ's very existence can continue. In order to sell a new version each year, they have to keep coming up with so-called improvements and new features. After examining the new features in version 6,I elected not to upgrade. As you remember, the new features were principally the ability to substitute sounds (wave files) for words or phrases--biff bang pop boom crash ta da and so on. and place markers for book marking your location on a web page--whoopty wow wow.
Not being an "advanced" user, I determined that these new features were useless to me and so I did not purchase version 6. It now sounds like version 7 again is packed with new creative, but useless features. Therefore, I will again pass on upgrading. But you are all saying that if I don't upgrade, I will be hurting when the new Vista OS comes out and I haven't kept up with the upgrades. This would be true except that my next system will be a Mac with VoiceOver. If you haven't heard a OS 10 / VoiceOver demonstration, you should check it out. Plus, if Mac changes it's operating system down the road, I won't have to be on the maintenance agreement treadmill to have speech since the speech comes with the OS.
Maybe a little serious competition will spur HJ to stop putting out pro forma upgrades with frivolous features.


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