Re: How to generate Spanish characters?

  • From: "Flor Lynch" <florlync@xxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 22:57:29 +0100

Use up and down arrows as well as left and right.  Also, set JAWS Screen
Echo to All and set punctuation to All.  Look in the Ms Word, Insert
Symbols Dialogue, <Alt+I, <s>, and tab over
to Font: Edit, where if you arrow around you will find character symbols
plus their ANSI values.  Many of the special symbols have shortcut keys;
or, tabbing further on in that dialogued, you can assign your own
shortcut key.  C cedilla ç - for example - is ctrl+comma+c,
ctrl+comma+ShiftC, or ANSI 199 (uppercase), or ANSI231 (lowercase).  You
can type a character's ANSI value by: toggling numlock key on; press and
hold down the Alt key along with the numpad zero (Insert) key, then type
in the value using the numpad, and when done toggle numlock off.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Clendinen" <alanclendinen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 2:11 PM
Subject: How to generate Spanish characters?

Hello listers,

Can somebody please tell me how to get Spanish accent marks in Word
2000? I
tried setting tools/language to Spanish in Word 2000, and I even set up
keyboard to Spanish in the control panel, but what modifier keys do I
use to
generate, for example, an n with a tilde (~) over it?

Somebody posted a message saying you could go into the
insert/symbols/special characters in MS Word, and insert Spanish accent
marks, but I found no such marks. The only accent mark I've been able to
produce is the e-acute mark, by typing control + apostrophe, followed by
letter e.

I understand that JFW version 5.0 uses the Insert + 4 combination to
generate a pick list of special foreign language characters, but I'm not
using that version of JFW. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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