Re: DecExpress with newer PC's

  • From: Agent86b <agent_086b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 12:51:44 +1000

I use a serial to USV adapter to get my Keynote gold SA to work
through a usb connection on my computer.

on 12:37 5/09/2007, Matthew Horspool said:

Cal wrote: "I've heard that you can't get external synthesizers to
work with PC's that only come with USB ports..."
That's only because most external synthesizers don't have a USB
port.  If you have one that does it will work just fine.

"... as PC's these days don't come with serial ports anymore that I
know of,is there any way to get the DecExpress to work on a new PC?"
I doubt it, to be honest.  There is a relatively new synthesizer out
called the DECtalk USB which is a replacement for the DECtalk
Express so you can try that, but I should warn you that if you've
used  the DEC express you probably won't like the sound of the DEC USB.


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