Re: Admin: Migration update.

  • From: "Karen Hughes" <khughes8@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 20:41:02 -0400

subscrib me please

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: James Homuth 
  To: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 7:46 PM
  Subject: Admin: Migration update.


  In keeping with my goal to have everyone moved over to the new list by this 
time tomorrow night, I'm closing off new subscriptions to the list on effective pretty much as soon as I send this email. The software 
has already been updated to include information on where to go for potential 
new subscribers, and that list is up, running, receiving messages, and ready to 
accept them. I'll leave posting enabled for a couple more hours yet, but that 
too will be eventually disabled. If you have any questions or want to be 
subscribed to the list before the mass transition tomorrow, as always, email 
the admin team and we'll be taking care of it. Thanks for sticking it out with 
us and Freelists over the years. Now, let's give JFW list 2.0 a try.

  List Admin

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