
  • From: "Reggie Castaneda" <lvsk8@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 14:51:22 -0600

I recently put up an ISA server on my companies simple network. Right now
I'm still testing it out, and it only has about 4 computers going through
it. For some reason, everytime 3 computers try to get out to the internet
at the same time, the connection on the ISA server to the internet dies.
Even if I try to get to the internet from the ISA server itself. I noticed
that when I ping the default gateway I get no response. If I ping the same
gateway from a computer that is not behind the ISA server, I can connect
with no problem. Has anyone encountered this problem before?

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