ISA web Proxy and Browsing PROBLEM plz help if you can

  • From: "saeed" <nabhani.s@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 05:01:03 -0600

Dear Friends,
   I have a BIG problem with my ISA server and all my user are fed up with
it. I have win2k server with ISA server in Cache Mode along with a SQL
Server and a Internet System Accounting.
     Why is that at first my isa is working ok and will Authenticates
users with no problem and let them browse the internet but after a while
soon as I make changes to ISA Management (say for instance Adding  a NEW
Rule in protcole rule or else where in Configuration of my ISA) and ISA
Services Need to be Stop/Start The Proxy panel will not appear as before
and if it does  Appears (say after 30 to 45 Seconds) the web come with so
much delay for users

   To solve problem I uninstalled and Re-installed the ISA server the
problem will be solved for a short while But after a while the PROBLEM
will occurs..............

  I appriciate  any kind of help for solving this problem



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